Life Reflections

A Journey of Self-Discovery and Wanderlust: Your Journey Starts Now

In the tapestry of life, threads are waiting to be woven, stories yearning to be written, and adventures beckoning to be undertaken. It’s an ode to the dreamers, the seekers, and those who find solace in the uncharted. As I share my travel journey, I invite you to join the narrative, embrace the unknown, and let wanderlust be your compass. Unveiling the World’s Tapestry for your Journey Every corner of this world holds a piece of the puzzle, a fragment of culture waiting to be embraced. The vibrant beaches in New Zealand, the community on Kilimanjaro, the historic charm of Rome—each destination whispers tales of history, culture, and life. It’s not just about visiting places; it’s about discovering the stories that linger in the air, waiting to be heard. A Passport to Personal Growth Beyond the stamps on your passport, travel is a gateway to personal growth. It challenges preconceptions, broadens perspectives, and fosters a deep understanding of the world and oneself. Every encounter becomes a chapter in the book of your life, and with each page turned, you evolve into a richer, more enlightened version of yourself. Connect with Tice Travel Time In my pursuit of wanderlust, I founded Tice Travel Time—a haven for those who share the passion for exploration. It’s not just a blog; it’s an invitation to join a community of dreamers. Through the lens of Tice Travel Time, I share the sights, sounds, and emotions of my journeys, hoping to ignite the spark of adventure in each reader. Unleash Your Inner Explorer If you find yourself yearning for more, if the call of the unknown resonates in your heart, it’s time to pack your bags and embark on the journey of a lifetime. I know it is scary, but you will live to tell the story. It will be worth it. Do not let fear control your life. There’s a world waiting to be explored, and it starts with a simple decision. The Journey Begins Now So, dear reader, as you immerse yourself in these words, let them be a catalyst for change. Let the wanderlust within you stir, and may this be the moment you decide to turn dreams into reality. The journey begins not tomorrow, not someday, but now. Book that ticket, chart that course, and let the adventure unfold—one step at a time. The world awaits, and so does the best version of you. Safe travels, fellow explorer! Not all those who wander are lost -TTT

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Mount Kiliamanjaro

Lessons from Hiking Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa standing at a wapping 19,341 feet (5,895 meters). One may assume that it is difficult to climb, and they would be correct. Although there were moments when I did not think my feet would keep going, they held me up. They allowed me to challenge myself mentally, emotionally, and physically. The beautiful experience of hiking Mount Kilimanjaro has left a lasting effect on who I am and my perspective on life. There are three main lessons that I learned from this formidable memory. Experience rather than expect! The first lesson I grasped is to experience rather than expect. In today’s society, fear often overcomes one’s decision to do something new. When you are introduced to a place, experience, or discovering yourself, it is scary and expectations arise. Self-doubt creeps in, and rather than jumping into the unknown, many hide in their safe, recognizable shells. Thus, this lesson is essential. Rather than assuming you know the result, the only way you know the outcome is by actually having the experience. Five different people may hike Mount Kilimanjaro and their individual journeys will vary vastly from everyone else’s. For me, I was expecting terrible altitude sickness and foot pain. Although I did encounter a little of both, they did not hold me back from challenging my body and experiencing the mountain. Instead of relying on what people tell you or internal conflict, it is best to jump in and experience it. Don’t let your expectations control your actions. Life is about the journey, not the destination! The second lesson I learned is that life is about the journey, not the destination. I have always believed in this saying (I even have it inscribed in a ring). There comes a significant expectation when hiking Mount Kilimanjaro, it is to make it to the summit. It is a lot of pressure on yourself to achieve that goal. Many people want to tell the story that they were challenged but came out on top. I struggled with altitude sickness, but my body allowed me to continue the hike. The truth is, the overall success rate in summiting Mount Kilimanjaro is between 70-80%. That means that, for various reasons, 20-30% of people that attempt the climb do not make it to the top. Despite this, it does not devalue their experience. They still were able to hike Mount Kilimanjaro and see what that beautiful mountain has to offer. I made it to the top, but then felt a bit deflated when there was no view due to a snowstorm. It was then that I realized that the goal did not matter, I achieved all I could from the journey the mountain took me on. A lesson in life is that it is not about the destination, it is not about where you end up, the main idea is how you got there and your personal journey. A positive mindset leads to a positive outcome! The third lesson I obtained is that a positive mindset leads to a positive outcome. This can be applied to anything in life. The more I complained of pain and exhaustion as my feet moved one foot in front of the other, the less I enjoyed what I was doing. I was in Tanzania. I was in a beautiful place full of new perspectives, landscapes, and terrain. With a better mindset, the results were fewer altitude sickness symptoms, more enjoyment of my experience, more appreciation toward my body’s abilities, and an overall happier point of view and mood. I struggled during this hike, especially summit night, but it has taught me how vital mindset is, on and off the mountain. Kilimanjaro Challenge You do not have to hike Mount Kilimanjaro to learn these lessons, anyone can obtain these ideas by challenging themselves on an adventure. For now, I challenge you to go on a trip and think about these ideas. See if these beliefs and lessons help you appreciate every moment you experience.  Not all those who wander are lost. -TTT Are you curious about Hiking Mount Kilimanjaro? Watch my experience now!

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The Eternal Bonds of the Camino: A Farewell to the Way

As I sit here, penning the final chapter of my El Camino de Santiago series, my heart is heavy with a beautiful tapestry of emotions from my eternal bonds made on the Camino. Words fail to capture this journey’s profound impact on my soul. With each step along the ancient path, I have come to understand that the true beauty of the Camino lies not only in its awe-inspiring landscapes but in the extraordinary power of community. From the very first day, I realized that I was never truly alone. I made my first friend at my hostel in Leon before I even started walking, and after that, we stuck together and continued to grow our connections with those around us. The rhythmic sound of footsteps became a soothing symphony, a reminder that we were all traveling together, connected by an unbreakable thread of purpose. The diversity of our backgrounds and reasons for walking only deepened the sense of unity we felt as we navigated the dusty trails. We gathered in humble albergues in the quiet evenings and found solace in one another’s stories. Conversations flowed effortlessly, transcending language barriers, and revealing the universal truths that bind humanity together. In these moments, I discovered the true beauty of community. Strangers became friends, and friends became family. We laughed, we struggled, and we shared the weight of our fears and triumphs. The authenticity of these connections enriched the pilgrimage, breathing life into every step and infusing the journey with magic impossible to replicate. But the Camino was more than just the time spent walking between quaint villages and ancient cathedrals. It extended far beyond the dusty trails and the aches in our weary bodies. In the months leading up to my departure, I sought guidance from seasoned pilgrims and soaked up their wisdom in many Facebook groups, specifically Camino de Santiago and Camino de Santiago All Routes. I discovered a network of kindred souls who shared their knowledge and experiences with boundless generosity. They nourished my spirit, providing me with the knowledge and encouragement needed to embark on this transformative journey. And now, as I reflect on my experience, my friendships, and all the blogs from my series, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Gratitude for the countless pilgrims who came before me, for the ancient paths they carved and the traditions they upheld. Gratitude for the extraordinary landscapes awakened my senses and inspired introspection. But above all, gratitude for my Camino family—the individuals who walked alongside me, who shared in the trials and triumphs of this pilgrimage. To my dear companions, who became my confidants, my cheerleaders, and my mirrors reflecting back the best version of myself, I am forever grateful. Our bond transcends time and distance, forever etched into the deepest recesses of my heart. Together, we experienced the beauty of the Camino, an experience that will forever shape the narratives of our lives. As I conclude this final blog post of my El Camino de Santiago series, I hope that my words have conveyed the profound beauty of this pilgrimage, inspiring others to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery. May these humble accounts serve as a source of knowledge, preparation, and reflection for those who seek the transformative power of the Camino. May the memories of the trail continue to nourish our souls long after the dust settles. And as we reminisce, let us remember that the Camino, with all its wonders, begins long before the first step and stretches infinitely beyond the last. The bonds we forge and the communities we build are a testament to the eternal beauty of the Camino de Santiago, forever etching its mark on our lives. Buen Camino Not all those who wander are lost. -TTT Are you thinking of doing the Camino de Santiago? Go to my YouTube for a glimpse of the views along the way, a packing list, and packing tips and tricks!

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Chasing My Dreams

While I typically focus on sharing travel insights, tips, and tricks here, today I have some exciting personal news to reveal! An original goal of my blog was to encourage people to go out of their comfort zones and follow their dreams. A personal dream of mine has been to move abroad. I looked into multiple programs during my senior year of college, but fear held the reins to my future and pushed me to postpone the journey. I didn’t know if I could do it, what’s the process? How does one move abroad? What do I do? Do I want to full-time travel? Will Tice Travel Time be my full-time job? How can I commit to my blog and business ideas when I’m making no profit? All these questions led me to stay in the States. Despite letting my worries play a role in my life, I had an incredible time living in Nashville, TN. During my time in Nashville, I formed lasting friendships, familiarized myself with the city’s nooks and crannies, and crossed off most of the activities and destinations on my Nashville bucket list. Despite my new love for Nashville, I couldn’t shake the pull to move to a new country. One night, my best friend was visiting me in Nashville. She asked me what my dream was, and what I wanted to do with my life. My immediate response was “I just want to live abroad and explore the world and work on my travel blog!” She then asked why I wasn’t doing that and I was a bit speechless, why not? So here we are, four months later, and guess what? I am making my dreams into reality… I am moving to Spain!! I will be living in Bilbao, tucked away in the gorgeous Basque Country, which is located in Northern Spain. Following your dreams and listening to society can sometimes be opposites and for me, that’s the case. I’ve struggled throughout adulthood navigating what feels “right” in my life and career. It’s difficult when people pull you in different directions encouraging you to get a 9 to 5 job when you recognize that is not your ideal life. For me, I am listening to my heart and chasing my dreams. With this being said, the last 10 months living in Nashville have been absolutely spectacular. I’ve challenged myself to put myself out there and to move to a new, unfamiliar city where I didn’t know a single person my age. It was terrifying and exciting and honestly one of the best choices I’ve made. Every decision has helped me grow as a person and in what I want in life, including this blog. I know it is the right time to move abroad and I am beyond excited for this next chapter in my life! If you read this, I appreciate your support in my life journey. Tice Travel Time has been a dream of mine and it makes me beyond grateful that I can follow these dreams and make them a reality. It is thanks to you for following along and I’m excited to share my life and travel stories, tips, tricks, and more with you! Cheers to traveling the world and following your dreams! Not all those who wander are lost. -TTT

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