Chasing My Dreams

While I typically focus on sharing travel insights, tips, and tricks here, today I have some exciting personal news to reveal!

An original goal of my blog was to encourage people to go out of their comfort zones and follow their dreams. A personal dream of mine has been to move abroad. I looked into multiple programs during my senior year of college, but fear held the reins to my future and pushed me to postpone the journey. I didn’t know if I could do it, what’s the process? How does one move abroad? What do I do? Do I want to full-time travel? Will Tice Travel Time be my full-time job? How can I commit to my blog and business ideas when I’m making no profit? All these questions led me to stay in the States.

Despite letting my worries play a role in my life, I had an incredible time living in Nashville, TN. During my time in Nashville, I formed lasting friendships, familiarized myself with the city’s nooks and crannies, and crossed off most of the activities and destinations on my Nashville bucket list. Despite my new love for Nashville, I couldn’t shake the pull to move to a new country.

One night, my best friend was visiting me in Nashville. She asked me what my dream was, and what I wanted to do with my life. My immediate response was “I just want to live abroad and explore the world and work on my travel blog!” She then asked why I wasn’t doing that and I was a bit speechless, why not?

So here we are, four months later, and guess what? I am making my dreams into reality… I am moving to Spain!! I will be living in Bilbao, tucked away in the gorgeous Basque Country, which is located in Northern Spain.

Following your dreams and listening to society can sometimes be opposites and for me, that’s the case. I’ve struggled throughout adulthood navigating what feels “right” in my life and career. It’s difficult when people pull you in different directions encouraging you to get a 9 to 5 job when you recognize that is not your ideal life. For me, I am listening to my heart and chasing my dreams.

With this being said, the last 10 months living in Nashville have been absolutely spectacular. I’ve challenged myself to put myself out there and to move to a new, unfamiliar city where I didn’t know a single person my age. It was terrifying and exciting and honestly one of the best choices I’ve made. Every decision has helped me grow as a person and in what I want in life, including this blog.

I know it is the right time to move abroad and I am beyond excited for this next chapter in my life! If you read this, I appreciate your support in my life journey. Tice Travel Time has been a dream of mine and it makes me beyond grateful that I can follow these dreams and make them a reality. It is thanks to you for following along and I’m excited to share my life and travel stories, tips, tricks, and more with you!

Cheers to traveling the world and following your dreams!

Not all those who wander are lost. -TTT