Walking El Camino de Santiago is a journey of a lifetime! It is one that promises spiritual enrichment, breathtaking landscapes, and encounters with fellow travelers from all walks of life. However, it’s no secret that this trek comes with its fair share of difficulties. To ensure a fulfilling and successful experience, it’s imperative to be well-prepared, both mentally and physically. Below are some essential tips to guide you on your Camino adventure!

Assessing the Terrain: A Crucial Step

The terrain on El Camino de Santiago varies from flat and easy to steep and challenging. Some sections are paved roads or well-maintained paths, while others are rocky or muddy trails. You can see the terrain from my journey of León to Santiago here. The route crosses several mountain ranges, such as the Pyrenees, which can be quite steep and require a good level of fitness. However, there are alternative routes and variations that may be more suitable for people with different abilities.

Fitness: Preparing for the Trek

Walking requires a good level of fitness, especially if you plan to go long distances each day. Prepare and train for the journey in advance, especially if you are not used to walking long distances or carrying a heavy backpack. It is also important to listen to your body and take breaks when needed. There was one day when I walked 23 miles (37 km). That would have been difficult without training. Being in peak shape really helps you take the time to enjoy the journey and helps you not worry about stopping constantly. Additionally, your pack adds additional weight even if it is light. I highly recommend you train with your backpack before going. I went on hikes, on the stair climber, and on the treadmill so my body could get used to carrying a pack. I highly recommend you prepare your body for the experience.

Age and Abilities: A Realistic Outlook

The experience is doable at any age, but it is important to be realistic about your physical abilities and limitations. Some older people may find the steep and rocky terrain challenging, while others may have no trouble walking long distances. It is important to consult with a doctor or health professional before going, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. I will say, there was a HUGE age range on the camino. Every one walks at their own pace and listens to their body throughout. All because you are older, you can do it. In so many ways, the physical challenge is almost equal to the mental challenge. You have to be ready to actually walk for hours, but I promise, it’s worth it!

A Doable Journey: Navigating Challenges

As the ancient saying goes, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” El Camino de Santiago encapsulates this sentiment perfectly. Through careful preparation, an attuned awareness of your capabilities, and knowing the terrain, you can embark on a transformative journey that will leave a forever mark on your soul. Remember, this pilgrimage isn’t just about reaching the destination. It’s about the experiences, the challenges, and the growth you’ll encounter along the way. So lace up your walking shoes, shoulder your backpack, and step onto the path of El Camino de Santiago.

Buen Camino

Not all those who wander are lost. -TTT

Do you want to have an idea of the terrain? Watch my YouTube video of views along the way. 

Planning your trip? My packing list and packing tips and tricks are a must watch when